What Color were the Dinosaurs?
Sunday, November 30, 2008

The oldest mathematical puzzle dates from 1650 B.C. This is an English version:
As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives. Every wife has seven sacks, every sack had seven cats. Every cat has seven kits. Kits, cats, sacks and wives, how many were going to St. Ives?
The first printing press in the Philippines was established by the Dominican friars in Manila in the year 1953. That was 47 years before the appearance of the first printing press in the United States. The first printing press in Manila printed books by means of the old xylographic methos, that is, printing by using engraved woodblocks.
In 1602 Father Francisco Blancas de San Jose, with the help of Juan de Vera (Chinese Christian printer), improved the printing press by using the typographic method, that is, printing by means of movable types.
In 1608 Father San Jose transferred the printing press to Abucay, Bataan, where he was assigned as parish priest. In this town, he trained a young Filipino named Tomas Pinpin in the art of printing. In subsequent times the printing press was moved from place to place - from Abucay to Pila (Laguna), from Pila to Manila, from Manila to Bacolor (Pampanga), and from Bacolor back to Manila. It is still existing as the University of Santo Tomas Press. Truly, it is one of the oldest printing presses in the wolrd.
The Japanese are chewing their way through twelve billion pairs of throw away chopsticks a year. This, says Any Crump, a reporter of the third World Compass News Feature Agency of Luxembourg, amounts to the wood used in 12,000 average –sized family houses. Waribashi, the disposable wooden chopsticks common used in Japan, have conservationist up in arms. The thousands of tons of wood that Japan’s 120 million throw out after each meal is making a quite a dent in the world’s forests, they say. The Japanese demand for wood, says Crump, has been largely responsible for the destruction of half the hardwood forest in the Philippines in about one-third of the forests in Indonesia. Japanese conservationists are now urging dinners to refuse to accept waribashi and instead to use their own non-disposable chopsticks.
Reading a book is one of the most popular ways of enjoying yourself. Some people read just for the fun and relaxation a book gives them. Others read to acquire information and improve their minds. A few read special books in history, science, or stamp collecting because it is their hobby. Students usually read to become acquainted with the best writers whose thoughts or stories have become a part of our language. Very often, students read certain books to increase their knowledge of science or history, or some subject in which they make a career.
Can you write a review of a book or tell a friend why or why not he should read it? If you will follow this few rules, you can easily help someone to decide to read or not to read a book.
1. State the author or title. The jacket of the book will usually tell you whether the author has written other books, whether he is English or American or some other interesting facts dealing with his life.
2. Tell what kind of a book it is: story, travel, biography, science.
3. Tell the principal parts of the story, but do not give away the ending if there is a plot. To take away the suspense by telling the ending is to spoil the story for anyone else.
4. Describe the main characters so that the reader will know more about them.
5. If there is something unusual about the story, give our readers about it.
6. Tell why you like or dislike the book.
For many years, the Department of Agriculture has been warning people who prepare food that they should not cut food on a wooden surface. The best thing to use, the Agriculture official said, was a piece of plastic. However, new research says is safer than plastic. Scientists were surprised to discover the almost 100% of the bacteria died almost immediately. The publication Organic Gardening reports that when the researchers put the same kind of bacteria on a plastic cutting board, none of them died. The report says the bacteria could not be removed from the plastic even with soap and hot water.
Laughter exercises the heart, improves circulation, and gets rid of excess air in the lungs.
a white household candle or paraffin
wax crayons
drawing paper
poster colors
How To Make:
Coat your sheet of paper by rubbing a candle all over it. On this, paint a base with well-harmonizing wax crayons. The whole sheet must now be colored wuth a dark crayon. Next, with a pointed object, for example the tip of your knife, scratch line or whole areas out of the top crayon layer until the more colorful ground begins to show through.
A variation of this is to cover the colored crayon base with diluted poster colors, seeing to it that the two layers are aesthetically suited to one another. After the paper has dried, scratch out a pattern to your liking. To make a pre-arranged design possible, the outlines of the colored areas can be traced on transparent paper.
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