Traveler's Guide: Panay
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The medieval portion of Panay is either low, wide-valley land or gently rolling, low upland. The mountains of Antique Province on the western side of the island attain elevetions of from 900 to 2,049 meters. The high portion of the range is in its central part; Mount Nangtud is 2,050 meters; and Mount Malinao, 2,049 meters; Mount Baloy, 1,728 meters. There are few passes across these mountains, through which the moisture-laden tropical trade winds blow. Owing to the north-and-south trend of the principal range, the low central portion of Panay is slightly rain-shadowed; therefore, central Panay has a rainfall well distributed throughout the year, and western Panay has a well-pronounced dry season. On the eastern side a lower mountain range, the peaks of which vary from about 400 to 600 meters, exerts little influence upon the life of the island.

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