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The Most Trying Hard Man

Monday, December 29, 2008

In India, Stuntman N. Parthasarathy, 39, has covered himself with scorpions, eaten 81 bananas in a half hour, pushed a pea with his nose for three miles. Yet his dream to enter the record books eluded him again last year – insufficient proof of the nine hours he spent squatting against a wall. Still, he tries: “I am not beautiful, not rich, not fully educated. But I wasn’t to be something.”


World’s Most Expensive Musical Instrument

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Mendelssohn Stradivarius has become the world’s most expensive musical instrument. It has been bought on behalf of a professional musician for £902,000 from an auction at Christie’s in London. The previous record for a musical instrument was £682,000 set in 1988.

The Mendelssohn is believed to be one of the finest violins by Stradivari to appear on the market in recent years. The violin which once belonged to the descendants of the great composer Mendelssohn, dates from 1720, towards the end of Stradivari’s Golden Period, when he produced his greatest and most celebrated violins.


If You Get Burned

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A sever sunburn, like any other major burn, can be painful and dangerous enough to land you in the hospital. But even a minor burn is a problem, it makes the skin peel and lose whatever sun-protective tan it had developed.

The best thing to do for a mild sunburn is to cool your skin in a lukewarm bath and take aspirin. (Acetysalicylic acid, which is what aspirin is, helps reduce inflammation.) If blisters form, see a doctor, because you can develop a bacterial infection.

Compresses soaked in cool water, milk or tea can provide temporary relief for minor sunburn pain, as can local anesthetics (over-the-counter products that frequently have “-caine” as part of their brand name). Some people can become allergic to these anesthetics, so they should be used sparingly. Cold cream and other lubricants will not do anything for pain but will help the dryness of sunburned skin. If simple home remedies don’t work, see your doctor and be extra careful next time you’re in the sun.



Saturday, December 20, 2008

Truth may be highly praised and sought by honest men. But, in truth, lying is very common. In the 19th century, English writer Samuel Butler commented, ”The best liar is he who makes the smallest amount of lying go the longest way.” And English poet Alfred Lord Tennyson noted that the half-truth is the worst of lies. He said it is harder to prove wrong than a complete lie.
Some early American writers used what they said was an American Indian expression, when they said a person spoke with a “forked tongue.” It may be that people thought the expression sounded like something an Indian might say.

One very old expression is to accuse a person of “lying through his teeth.” It means to purposely tell a big lie. If you accuse someone of “lying through his teeth,” you are making a very strong accusation.

Another expression describes lies that are not too bad, even if they are not complete truth. The expression is a “little white lie.” A white lie is a false statement or lie that seems harmless. It called white because the color white is linked to innocence and purity.

A white lie can be forgiven, because it usually is told to keep someone’s feelings from being hurt. That kind of a lie – a white lie – does two things. It keeps your friend’s feelings from being hurt. And it keeps her as a friend.

English churchman William Paley 200 years ago that white lies usually introduce darker ones.


Dying for Publicity

Some common motives for suicide are escape from sorrow or unbearable difficulties, protest, honor – fairly common in Japan and other parts of Asia – escape from incurable illness and unrequited love, perhaps not now so common as it was in other more romantic eras. But a recent offer by Portuguese poet Joaquin Castro Caldels to commit suicide for the sake of personal publicity is an interesting exception. He made the offer in good faith to the Gulbenkian Foundation a world organization dedicated to arts.

Castro offered to commit suicide for $7,000 (it sounds better in Portuguese currency – 1,320,000 escudos). He even submitted a breakdown of how the money was to be spent on his commemorative funeral: 70,000 escudos for revolver and bullets: 500,000 for cremation and scattering of his ashes in the Tagus River flowing through Lisbon: 500,000 for good orchestra to play Mahler’s Kindertotenlieder , and 250,000 for an orchestrated performance by two hundred clowns.

Not surprisingly, the foundation refused the detailed and imaginative offer which nevertheless became known to the press possibly through information furnished by the prospective “victim”. In any case the poet got the publicity he wanted without having to kill himself for it.


Young Inventor

Friday, December 19, 2008

The United States government helps protect an inventor's rights to a new invention. It gives the inventor a special document called a patent. The patent says that only the inventor is permitted to produce and sell the device. Akhil Rastogi has become one of the youngest people to receive an American patent.

Akhil lives in the state of Virginia. He is 12 years old. And he is very creative. Last December 1992, he received a patent for a special device he made that helps people pour liquid from heavy containers. The device is added on to the opening of the container. It permits a person to move the container just a little to get the liquid to pour out.

Akhil calls his invention E-Z gallon. He says that when he was seven years old his mother hurt her hand. She could not pour milk from big milk bottles. He was too small to help. That difficult situation led him to create something that would make it easier to pour from heavy containers. Akhil's pouring device is made from clay. He says he hopes to sell his device to the public.


Word Origins and Their Romantic Stories

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Attire: powdering the face

We are told in the Bible, II Kings, if you like, the 9th chapter and 30th verse, that Jezebel "starched her face, and tired her heed, and looked out a window." This is from a 1539 version of the Sacred Book. Jezebel was really putting a white powder on her face, and was fixing her hair up with an ornament or headdress, for that is what tire meant at the time. The word tire is a shortened form of attire, which comes from the Old French atire, "to put in order," derived from a, "to," and tire, "row," which, incedentally, gave us word tier, that "row" of boxes in the opera house. Of course, from dressing the hair, the sense of attire has widened to dress in general.

BELLADONNA: Beautiful lady

Way back in the Renaissance days of the evil Borgias of Italy, when political purges were accomplished by poisoned rings and with foods and wines that were drugged with fatal doses, the lovely, dark-eyed ladies found a pleasant use for belladonna, the extract of the deadly nightshade. They discovered that a drop of this substance in each eye would expand the pupils and give them an expression of languorous beauty. And that seems to be the reason for the name belladonna, which an Italian means "fair lady".

COLLAR: around the neck

The collars that men and women wear today are nothing like the elaborate jeweled affairs that Cleopatra wore, or the iron ones that choked the slaves, but they are collars just the same for they are worn around the neck. The Latin word for collar can easily be seen in the French word decollete, "low-necked", because it is "away"(Latin de-) from the "neck".

FAVOR: usually a ribbon

Favors that are given at parties have a romantic history. In the Middle Ages ladies watched the tournaments and encouraged the knights with soft looks and tokens. The tokens they gave were varied, a ribbon, a mantle, a glove, sometimes even a portion of a dress. The knight wore this token, called a favor, on his arm. The word favor is through French from latin faveo, "to regard warmly or with good will."

GARTER: where the knee bends

The Countess of Salisbury once lost her garter while dancing with Edward III, or so claims the old story. With real 14th centrury gallantry the king picked it up, fastened it on his own leg, and spoke this immortal words: "Honi soit qui mal y pense;" Evil to him who thinks evil," which is the motto of the Order of the Garter. The word itself comes from the French gartier, which in turn derives from garet, "the bend in the knee." So the garter is named from the limd on which it is worn.


Optical Anomalies

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A legendary one-eyed giant, the figure of the Cyclops appears in myths throughout the world. But a man living in a Mississippi backwoods community may have been the first truly one-eyed human being. His single orb, completely normal in every regard, was located in the center of the forehead, according to the Boston Medical Journal. And for years, sideshow and circus promoters refused to become a public spectacle.

The Mississippi man, of course, isn't the only person in the world to have ever endured an anomalous collection of eyes. There was an English foureyed man, for example, who could open and clese each eye independently and look in four different directions at once.



Thursday, December 11, 2008

1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.
3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.
4. High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.
6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.
7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered, increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.
8. Working your brain during illness.
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.


Fresh Air

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Common houseplants like philodendron, ficus, daisies and mums are useful in absorbing harful gases and cleansing air inside tightly sealed modern buildings. These plants can reduce the amounts of formal-dehyte, benzene, carbon monoxide, and nitrous oxide in indoor air.


How Not To Have An Ulcer

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

* EAT SMALL, FREQUENT MEALS. Ulcers tend to be the most painful when the stomach is empty. If you eat often, food helps buffer the effects of digestive acids and enzymes.

* AVOID UNNECESSARY USE OF ASPIRIN OR NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS. Since these can irritate the digestive tract, your doctor may advise taking them with food.

* DON'T SMOKE. "Smokers have more ulcers, their ulcers are harder to heal, and they're more likely to have recurrences", says David Graham, M.D.

* CUT BACK ON COFFEE, TEA AND COLA DRINKS. Caffeine stimulate acid production, which may in turn exacerbate ulcers.

*AVOID ALCOHOL. This is particularly important for individuals taking the antibiotic metronidazole (Flagyl), which can make them severely ill if they drink.

* DON'T USE MILK AS THERAPHY. Doctors say it's one of the worst treatments for ulcers.

* AVOID FOODS THAT UPSET YOUR STOMACH. You don't have to eat a bland diet, but steer clear of too spicy foods or any that have irritated your digestive system before.

* CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR IF YOU'VE HAD ULCERS IN RECENT YEARS. "If any of may ulcer patient test positive for H.pylori, I treat them immediately rather than waiting for a recurence," says Dr. Graham.


Fast-Moving Star

Monday, December 8, 2008

Scientists say they have measured the speed of a star that is traveling faster than any star ever seen before. The star is traveling at more than 500 miles per second. That is more than 100 times faster than the speed of the sun.

The star is tiny and dense. it is only about 12 miles wide. But it has more mass than the sun. The star is called pulsar. It was formed when a larger star exploded. Pulsars produce no light. But they create radio waves as they rapildy turn.

Scientists discovered the star by observing a giant cloud of gas that is following the pulsar. The cloud is shaped like the musical instrument, the guitar. Scientists say the unusual shape may have resuldted from the movement of the stars as it traveled through different levels of as in the universe.

Scientists say the discovery of a pulsar is common. But they say it is unusual to find such a fast-and-forward-moving one. They say it probably will leave our galaxy in about 100 million years.


How do Sword Swallowers Swallow Swords?

Friday, December 5, 2008

In an age of sophisticated movie effects and skillful stuntmen, we usually conclude that dangerous exploits on the screen or stage are somehow rigged - especially if the feat is as daring as sword swallowing. But the fact that most performers of this uncanny act do not fake it or use gimmicks.

In the 19th century a street juggler, originally a zouave or member of a French infantry unit noted for its quick-spirited drills, used to allow spectators to touch the projection of a saber pressing against his stomach wall below the sternum. He was a braver fellow than most, for many performers of this feat swallow a 17 to 19 inch guiding tube beforehand and retain it, partially swallowed, throughout the performance. The tube protects the path along which the sword will descend.

Caroline Sutton's "How Do They Do That" says that in order to gradually overcome the gag reflex, a sword swallowers begin practicing with smaller objects, such as spoons and forks, being careful not to drop them whole. With head titled back , mouth open wide, he aims to align with the descending object his mouth, pharynx, esophagus, cardiac opening and distended stomach. The total distance is about 21-1/2 to 24-1/2 inches about the length of the flat blade of the saber. Needless to say, the sword swalloers must fast before such a performance.


Early Christmas Card

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Early Christmas card from Eds the host of "Life as it is". Thank you, is a nice thought of you. I wish you the best for you and the family and celebrate the festive with love,peace and happiness. You are a great friend.

That goes to the others, linked to this card.
1. Simple Things cant be Ignored


Santa Claus

To begin our explanation of Santa Claus, we must go back 1,600 years, to the fourth century. A Roman Catholic Church official of that time, Nicholas of Myra, became famous for his many good works. After he died, the church declared him a saint. He became a special saint for children. On the anniversary of his death each year, good children were presented gifts.

In Holland, the Dutch people told children the gifts came from Saint Herr Nicholas. In the Dutch language his name became "Sinter Klaas". The Dutch brought the Sinter Klaas tradition to America. Americans called the gift giver " Santa Claus". And they included him in their Christmas celebration.

Thomas Nast first drew the Santa Claus we see today. Thomas Nast was an American artist. He drew pictures for books and newspapers. Someone asked him to draw a picture of Santa Claus.

Thomas Nast remembered when he was a boy in Germany, a fat little old man had given toys and cakes to children. So that is how he drew Santa Claus. That drawing made more than 125 years ago has remained our picture of Santa Claus. Santa is a fat, smiling, little old man with a red nose and a white beard. He is dressed in a red suit, with a black leather belt and black boots.


What Color were the Dinosaurs?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

We do not know for sure. But, fortunately, we can tell what the texture of the skin was like, at least of certain kinds. Some dinosaurs had smoot skin, whereas that of others was scaly or platy. Two so-called mummies of the duck-billed dinosaur Anatosaurus were dound in Wyoming and along the Red Deer river in Alberta - one of the greatest dinosaur localities. They reveal a thin, flexible skin, probably having a mosaic pattern of small, polygonal plates, not much different from today's alligators and crocodiles Iguandodon even had bumps on the skin between the fingers. Since most large animals are rather dark, the dinosaur probably were too, perhaps dark on the back and light underneath, as are living lizards and crocodiles.


Overpopulation Leads to Blindness

Saturday, November 29, 2008

In Asia today hundreds of thousands of children go blind every year because of eye disease that would take only a few cents worth of vitamin A to correct. A few more pennies would provide the vitamin D and calcium that would stop the deformed and twisted limbs caused by rickets. Millions die of easily cured and evwen more easily prevented disease - because they have no access to even minimal health care.


Giant Magnet

Friday, November 28, 2008

The earth behave as though there were gigantic magnet inside it. It has two "magnetic poles", which, at the moment, are about 1,000 km. away from the corresponding geographical poles. They are found in north east Canada and Antarctica, respectively. The magnetic poles are not stationary; they move in small circles over a period of about 500 years. The origin of the earth's magnetic field has not been completely explained. One theory assumes that because of the earth's rotation, the current molten material inside the planet act like gigantic dynamos, capable of producing the electric currents required to maintain the earth's magnetic field. Another suggests that the planet's heavy core is made of magnetic material.


The Legendary Phoenix

The PHOENIX, according to legend, was a bird which died in a fire but came our of the flames alive. In ancient Egypt the phoenix was connected with the worship of the sun and the search for life after death. It was like a large eagle, with red and gold feathers. It lived for hundreds or even thousands of years. But when its death near, it built a nest of the scented branches of trees and spices. It then sang a beautiful, haunting and sad song, and fanned the nest until it burst into flames. The phoenix died in the fire it had made, but from the flames and the ashes came a new phoenix which would live for many years.


Oldest Mathematical Puzzle

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The oldest mathematical puzzle dates from 1650 B.C. This is an English version:

As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives. Every wife has seven sacks, every sack had seven cats. Every cat has seven kits. Kits, cats, sacks and wives, how many were going to St. Ives?


Eating to Learn

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You can improve your ability to remember if you can eat meal immediately after you learn something rather than wait before you sit down at the table. We keep memories by activating a series of hormones that send them to the appropriate area of the brain for storage. It turns out that these hormones are released during digestion.


Traveler's Guide: Panay

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The medieval portion of Panay is either low, wide-valley land or gently rolling, low upland. The mountains of Antique Province on the western side of the island attain elevetions of from 900 to 2,049 meters. The high portion of the range is in its central part; Mount Nangtud is 2,050 meters; and Mount Malinao, 2,049 meters; Mount Baloy, 1,728 meters. There are few passes across these mountains, through which the moisture-laden tropical trade winds blow. Owing to the north-and-south trend of the principal range, the low central portion of Panay is slightly rain-shadowed; therefore, central Panay has a rainfall well distributed throughout the year, and western Panay has a well-pronounced dry season. On the eastern side a lower mountain range, the peaks of which vary from about 400 to 600 meters, exerts little influence upon the life of the island.


Elephant Artist

Monday, November 24, 2008

We think this story is interesting because Ruby, the artist, is an elephant! an Asian elephant, to be exact. She is 17 years old. She lives at the zoo in Phoenix, Arizona.

Ruby has produced almost 100 paintings in the last year. She has earned more than 40,000 dollars for the zoo.

Zoo officials say Ruby first showed a talent for art about years ago. Zoo workers wathed her make marks in the sand with her trunk. She rubbed out the marks, then made new ones. The zoo workers gave her brushes and paints. Soon, Ruby was painting pictures.

Ruby's work earn money to help the zoo and help save threatened animals. Zoo officials say they don not force Ruby to paint. They believe she paints because it is fun.


How to Speak Cat

Saturday, November 22, 2008

When your cat looks at you, what is she saying about her state of mind? An alert cat has erect ears and narror pupils. A frightened cat's ears flatten and her pupils widen. A relaxed cat shows her pleasure through half-closed eyes.


Thanksgiving Day

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving day is an annual national holiday which takes place in the United States and Canada on the last Thursday in November in celebration of the harvest and other blessing during the year.

The first Thanksgiving Day was observed when the Pilgrim Fathers held a three-day festival after the harvest of 1621. But the day was not celebrated as a regular national holiday until more than two centuries later. Gradually each state adopted the idea until, in 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed a national harvest festival on November 26.

The festival is still basically a home celebration, with religious overtones, for families and friends. Turkey is the traditional meal at the feast, and such autumnal dishes as pumpkin pie and plum pudding stress the harvest theme.


Visible Hearts, Brains and Knees

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) ferrets out previously hidden disorders. The $1.5 million device can pinpoint areas in the brain causing the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, as well as damaged tissues causing epileptic seizures and damage to the heart after an attack.

For a heftier outlay of $2 million, hospitals can install a device called Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) imaging that is said by some to be the greatest advance in diagnostics since the X-rays. Superior to the X-ray Computed Tomography (CT scan), it is better for producing images of the back of the brain, the brain stem and the upper spine. It is also useful for diagnosing knee problems.



Thursday, November 20, 2008

Some say the lemon tree first appeared in the foothills of the Himalayas, others say it was in the Malayan archipelago. Whatever the case, it was cultivated by the Chinese some 3,000 years ago.
The Romans were the first westerners to introduce it into their gardens. They called the fruit the "apple of the Mede", in reference to a people who lived in what is now Iran. The fruit was used mainly for medicinal purposes as an antidote to poisons and venom and as an insect repellent.
One of the lemon's greatest glories was that it made possible the prevention of the terrible scurvy that had been decimating ships' crews at sea. In the mid-18th century James Lindt, a Royal Navy surgeon discovered the remarkable anti-scurvy properties of this fruit.
It was not until 1932, a century and a half later, that the lemon's anti-scurvy properties were correctly attributed to its high vitamin C content.


Hitler's Last Soldier in America

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

He was a 22-year-old sergeant in Field Marshal Rommel's African command when he was captured by the British in tunis in 1943 and turned over to the U.S. Army. For two years he was imprisoned in New Mexico's Fort Deming - one of 500 camps holding roughly 425,000 POW's during World War II. Then, on a clear night in 1945, he slippes under the barbed wire and caught a freight train headed West. For the next 40 years, Georg Gaertner lived as Dennis Whiles, "just another immigrant worker trying to success." he says. In 1985, Gaertner, the last remaining fugitive German POW from World War II, surrendered to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service - just as his book, "Hitler's Last Soldier in America," was published.
For the last year and a half Gaertner has been working with private immigration lawyers and a historian to authenticate his story. He eluded authorities for the first five years by working as a share-cropper, traveling California by train. Later he found jobs as a tennis and ski pro; in 1952, he risked recognition when he led a ski patrol into Donner Pass in California, rescuing 200 passengers trapped aboard a snowbound train. The press carried his photo nationwide, forcing him to leave his job. He resettled in Oakland, established a career in the construction business, married and raised his wife's two children as his own.


LVHS continues to shine

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It’s been 28 years that Lupon Vocational High School has served as an edifice to all young educationalists who wants to hone and amplify their talents enthusiastically both academic and kinesthetic skills. They persist to bring forth intellectual and dexterous figures that can perform vigorous capacities efficiently for greater reputation and rivals for the school’s progress. In all probability, the institution turns out to be one of the most developed and improved educational vicinity in the province of Davao Oriental owed to its high standard of learning competencies.
On the other hand, the school had lots of contenders that mark the LVHS history. On the year 2007, Daniel Bautista attained recognitions during National Competitions (NSSPC and STEP) as well as Jimver Tulo (STEP); Richard Salumro and Dizon Mendez had brought National honors for the school in the year 2006. Now, other students bestowed their bests as they add their names on the list of National strikers in the institution’s achievements. In the just concluded Regional STEP Skills Competition, Vengie Ygonia, a senior student extended as far as National STEP tilt as he grabbed the first place in Building Wiring Installation and so does with Jeffrey Dagooc who champed in Flower Pot Stand Making. Truly, STEP has been LVHS’s partner in shaping youth’s physical adroitness.
Meanwhile, educators had improved their learning strategies through seminars and conferences. Ms. Alma T. Café and Mrs. Dalisay C. Estabillo attended the SSP ICT Integration Training on Discovering and Creating Digital Communities conducted at Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City last May 26 to 28,2008 . The said training was sponsored by Smart Schools Program which aims to help teachers in making their lessons in class more creative, alive and meaningful through the use of the new technology - computer and internet. Last September 10 to 11, 2008, Ms. Alma Café, a computer educator and ICT trainer for Davao Oriental attended the 3rd National ICTs in basic Education Congress held at Waterfront Hotel, Cebu City, organized by DepEd, Foundation for IT Education and Development, Inc. (FIT-ED), and University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU). This year’s theme was “Teaching the net Generation: Curriculum, pedagogy, and the challenge of 21st Century Learning”. Another batch of teachers were sent for another training on Drop out Reduction Program (DORP) Implementation held last November 3 to 7,2008 at Cebu Business Hotel, Cebu City .The teachers who attended the training were Mrs. Trifina F. Simo, Mrs. Josefina Arbol, Mrs. Mary Jean Alterado, Mrs. Allen A. Rodriguez and Mrs. Doris D. Macarona. The purpose of the training were to reduce, if not totally eliminate school dropout, increase retention rate, increase significantly the achievement level of the students-at-risk of Dropping Out (SARDO)., retrieve learners who are out of school, increase the capability o schools to establish, implement, monitor, evaluate and continuously improve the DORP, design and continuously improve DORP practices and learning materials and benchmark the best DORP practices.
The mentors prove their professions in solacing their students to come up with a desired effort that which might open the portals for their apprentices to a better and brighter future. In the long run, Lupon Vocational High School had showed much and attests that they can lick other schools in terms of academic and co-curricular skills. Without batting an eyelash, altogether we will continue to boost and uplift the institution for further completions and achievements. Once and for all, LVHS will soon be a great high flier of learning triumphs which ensconces the brilliant young minds of the nation.

Onward LVHS!


Laser Kids

Carbon Dioxide lasers are being used at the maternity clinics at the unviersity hospitals in Lubeck and Mainz in West Germany to help childless couples. The laser is used to open up blocked Fallopian tubes, clearing the way from the ovaries to the uterus. The sensitive tube tissue is only 4 mm thick, and conventional surgery is both costly and by no means sure to succeed. The specially designed carbon dioxide laser is a much faster worker and immediately puts paid, by means of radiation, to any bleeding during the operation.
Laser surgeons are condifent they can deal with blockages, or growths affecting the Fallopian tubes, but they have so far limited to laboratory animals experiments in surgery in the immediate vicinity of the womb. The laser is fast and simple to use, they say but must be beamed wutg absolute accuracy.


A Self-realization on Climate Change

Monday, November 17, 2008

Bad news is bad indeed. Climate change is not a future problem rather it is a present problem. Climate change represents as one of the environmental, social, economic threats facing the planet. It is only a long term, significant change in the average weather that a given region experiences. Average weather may include average temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns. It involves changes in the variability or average state of the atmosphere over durations ranging from decades to millions of years.

However, warmer waters in the shallow oceans contributes to the death of about quarter of the world’s coral reef in the last few decades. Because of warmer temperature it may affects human health, this may lead to death due to heat waves and more allergy attacks as the pollen seasons grow longer. Warmer temperature that have led to more intense rainfall events in some areas can cause much flooding. And as the temperature warms, species may either move to cooler habitat or die. And because of too much heat there is tendency that the mountain glaciers in all areas of the world may decrease in size an so has the amount of permafrost. For seawater it will become acidic that might have impacts on coral reefs and marine life. With those effects of climate change, is this what we want to happen? Definitely NO!

Most of those happenings nor effects that is now slowly occurring is very likely to have been caused by human activities. Human activities that contributed to climate change including the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and kaingin, which causes the emission of carbon dioxide—the main gas responsible for climate change as well as of other greenhouse gases.

Destruction of properties, deaths, starvation, sickness or illnesses will happen because of our very erroneous actions. Our mother nature is crying. And to save her from total destructions, let us plant trees because it’s our life, our survival. Planting trees is one of the essential actions in saving our lives and world as a world. Therefore, let ourselves be much educated for climate change is harmful to every mankind.


Malunggay: The Food for all Reasons

If United States has apple to keep the doctors away, here in the Philippines, it’s the common malunggay (Horseradish Tree).

Touted by scientists as “miracle vegetable,” malunggay has been promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the past 20 years as a low-cost health enhancer in poor countries around the globe. In fact, during the Marcos administration, there was already a craze about malunggay, being a solution to the malnutrition problem in the countryside.
Perhaps not too many people know that the late President Ferdinand Marcos himself was a malunggay addict, consuming soup littered with green leaves in every meal in addition to the legendary ‘saluyot’ and ‘labong’ (bamboo shoots) as his main fare.
Malunggay trees are generally grown in backyards. The small, oval, dark-green leaves are famous vegetable ingredient in soup, fish and chicken dishes. Scientifically, it is called ‘Moringa Oelifera’. Despite its legendary potentials, malunggay is still relatively unknown.
“The sale of all forms of vitamins, minerals, and health supplements is a big business,” points out Moringa Zinga, an American Company that promotes and sells malunggay products in capsules. “If you are a company selling hundreds of nutritional products, why would you sell a product that will wipe out all your other products? This is true for the pharmaceutical industries as well. These industries would rather that the general public remains ignorant about the Moringa leaves.”
According to the Bitechnology Program Office of the Department of Agriculture, the malunggay has been found by biochemists and molecular anthropologists to be rich in vitamins C and A, iron, and high-density lipoprotein or goon cholesterol.
Due to its high calcium content (four times the calcium in milk); lactating mothers in the Philippines are often advised to consume malunggay leaves to produce more milk for their babies. The young malunggay leaves are being boiled and drink as tea.
Malunggay leaves are loaded with nutrients. Gram for gram, malunggay leaves also contain two times the vitamin A in carrots.
Health nutritionists claim that an ounce of malunggay has the same vitamin C content as seven oranges. An important function of vitamin C not known to many is its being antioxidant. In fact, it has been recognized and accepted by the US Food and Drug Administration as one of the four dietary antioxidant, the others being vitamin E, Beta-carotene and selenium.(a dietary oxidant is a substance in food that significantly decreases the adverse effects of harmful chemicals)
There are more health benefits. Vivencio Mamaril, of Bureau of Plant Industry, told a national daily that in India, malunggay is used in treating various ailments. A 2001 study in India has found that the fresh root of the young tree can be used to treat a fever. Asthmatics are advised to drink the fusion from the roots of the plant.
Tender malunggay leaves also reduce phlegm and are administered internally for scurvy and catarrhal conditions, while the flowers are used to heal inflammation of the tendons and abscesses. Unripe pods of malunggay can prevent intestinal worms, while the fruit also prevents eye disorders.
Other studies have shown that eating malunggay fruits can lead to higher semen count. This is good news for men who may not able to sire children. They can now count on the malunggay to work its magic on them.
Because of its nutritional content, malunggay strengthens the immune system, restores skin condition, controls blood pressure, relieves headaches and migraines, manages the sugar level thereby preventing diabetes, reduces inflammations and arthritis pains, restricts the growth of tumors, and heals ulcers. This information comes from Dr. Kumar Pati, an Indian doctor who is an expert in natural medicine.
The “next big thing” in Philippine agriculture. That is how the agriculture department considers malunggay. “Malunggay can save illnesses, increases incomes, generate millions of jobs, utilize vast tracts of idle agricultural lands, make the Philippines globally competitive, impact local international market, and help attain socio-economic equity.


World's Biggest Bacterium

The special English Word Book says bacteria are small forms of life that can be seen only through a microscope. But that is no longer true. Researchers recently discovered what appears to be the biggest bacterium on earth. The simple, one-celled organism is so big, it can be seen without a microscope. It was first found in a common surgeonfish caught in the Red Sea. Researchers call the bacterium epulopiscium fishelsoni or E. fishelsoni.

Israeli scientists first discovered the organism in 1985. But they believed that what they had found was not a bacterium. They thought that something so big must be an organism containing more than one structure. But Australian scientists recently proved them wrong. They studied the organism's genes to confirm that E. fishelsoni is a one-celled bacterium.


Tap Water is Better for Your Teeth

Finally a story about something good in your tap water: flouride. This mineral plays an important role in the development of children's teeth, but it also helps fight cavities in adults. So if you've given up drinking tap water because you worry that ir is unsafe, you and your children may not be getting enough flouride.
According to a recent study published in General Dentistry, many commercially bottled waters contain less than 0.3 parts per million (ppm), much less than the recommended 0.7 to 1.2 ppm. The tap water in most cities and towns falls withing recommended levels.


Spicy Pesticide

More than 800 million pounds of pesticides are used each year on crops. Government agencies announced joint proposals aimed at reducing the use of pesticides on food crops.

Experts say one way to reach this goal is to design crops that fight insects or diseases naturally. For example, scientists have developed a kind of squash that has natural defenses against a killer virus. They also have used generic engineering to develop corn that cannot be attacked by a common insect.

Some companies are developing harmless substitutes for pesticides. One example is a product called Enbirepel. It is made of garlic. The smell of the product reportedly keeps insects away without leaving harmful chemicals on plants. Other products contain hot peppers which are said to keep insects away from plants.


Garden of Intelligence

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The first zoo was formed in China in the 12th Century B.C. But it was not called a zoo. Wen, the ancient Chinese king who started it, wanted to collect different types of animals from all over his empire. He kept them in what he called a "garden of intelligence", neat his palace.
Some of the largest zoos are in North America. There are big ones in the Bronx, New York City, and in Washington and San Diego.



Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The earliest formula for toothpaste was given at the end of the 1st century A.D. by a Roman doctor, Scribonius largus. It consisted of a mixture of vinegar, honey, salt and ground glass!
Pliny the Elder recommended urine as a mouthwash, and this use of urine, particularly as treatment for dental caries, persisted until the 19th century. The explantion given was that urine, which was warm and acidic, neutralized the decaying action of the cold, damp secretions from the pituitary gland that flowed from the brain into the mouth.


How Muscles Move

The scientists say they have found the design of a protein molecule that acts as a motor inside each muscle cell, burning chemical enerygy to produce force. The protein is called myosin.
Myosin creates force when it acts together with another protein, actin. The energy nedded for this is produced when myosin burns the chemical fuel adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. ATP is produced from the food we eat.
The chemical enrgy produced by the ATP then moves the myosin along the actin line. The myosin then attaches to another nearby line of actin. This pulling action causes the sarcomere, and the muscle, to become shorter. The motion of the actin and myosin proteins in a muscle creates force that produces motion and strenght. Studies show that problems with actin and myosin can kill animals.
Scientists think this is also true for people. They know that myosin problems cause some rare diseases. One is a generic heart condition called familial hypertrophic cardiomyophaty. It has killed many young athletes. The new research already has been able to show the real problem in this condition: the myosin cannot link strongly enough to the actin.


Why does a turtle live in a shell?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The turtle's shell is really part of its skeleton. Some turtles have shells that are rounded. Others have shells that are flat. The shell is a bony box that protects a turtle from its enemies. When a water turtle gets into the water, it can paddle aound or zoom down into the water like a submarine, shell and all. Some turtles can pull in their hands, neck, legs and tail and close the shell tight when danger threatens.


The First Printing in the Philippines

Monday, November 10, 2008

The first printing press in the Philippines was established by the Dominican friars in Manila in the year 1953. That was 47 years before the appearance of the first printing press in the United States. The first printing press in Manila printed books by means of the old xylographic methos, that is, printing by using engraved woodblocks.

In 1602 Father Francisco Blancas de San Jose, with the help of Juan de Vera (Chinese Christian printer), improved the printing press by using the typographic method, that is, printing by means of movable types.

In 1608 Father San Jose transferred the printing press to Abucay, Bataan, where he was assigned as parish priest. In this town, he trained a young Filipino named Tomas Pinpin in the art of printing. In subsequent times the printing press was moved from place to place - from Abucay to Pila (Laguna), from Pila to Manila, from Manila to Bacolor (Pampanga), and from Bacolor back to Manila. It is still existing as the University of Santo Tomas Press. Truly, it is one of the oldest printing presses in the wolrd.


The Fist Computer

No machine, with perhaps the exception of the space station and space shuttle, typifiles our age more than the computer. Although the idea of a computer was conceived about 150 years ago by British scientist Charles Babbage, the construction of one did not become possible until electronics had been developed. The first computer was called "colossus" and was built in total secrecy in Britain in 1943 to crack enemy code messages. Since then, the arrival of the transistor and the increasing miniaturization of this and other electronic components, resulting in today's microchips, have resulted in ever smaller and more powerful computers.


Bring Your Own Chopsticks

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Japanese are chewing their way through twelve billion pairs of throw away chopsticks a year. This, says Any Crump, a reporter of the third World Compass News Feature Agency of Luxembourg, amounts to the wood used in 12,000 average –sized family houses. Waribashi, the disposable wooden chopsticks common used in Japan, have conservationist up in arms. The thousands of tons of wood that Japan’s 120 million throw out after each meal is making a quite a dent in the world’s forests, they say. The Japanese demand for wood, says Crump, has been largely responsible for the destruction of half the hardwood forest in the Philippines in about one-third of the forests in Indonesia. Japanese conservationists are now urging dinners to refuse to accept waribashi and instead to use their own non-disposable chopsticks.


How to Write a Book Report

Reading a book is one of the most popular ways of enjoying yourself. Some people read just for the fun and relaxation a book gives them. Others read to acquire information and improve their minds. A few read special books in history, science, or stamp collecting because it is their hobby. Students usually read to become acquainted with the best writers whose thoughts or stories have become a part of our language. Very often, students read certain books to increase their knowledge of science or history, or some subject in which they make a career.
Can you write a review of a book or tell a friend why or why not he should read it? If you will follow this few rules, you can easily help someone to decide to read or not to read a book.
1. State the author or title. The jacket of the book will usually tell you whether the author has written other books, whether he is English or American or some other interesting facts dealing with his life.
2. Tell what kind of a book it is: story, travel, biography, science.
3. Tell the principal parts of the story, but do not give away the ending if there is a plot. To take away the suspense by telling the ending is to spoil the story for anyone else.
4. Describe the main characters so that the reader will know more about them.
5. If there is something unusual about the story, give our readers about it.
6. Tell why you like or dislike the book.


How to memorize

The power to remember what you have learned is a skill which many people never acquire. Don’t you admire a classmate who can recite without hesitation what he has read in a chapter or entire book? A public speaker must remember not only important ideas in his speech, but also the exact words of important quotations or passages. Actors must learn by heart parts of an entire play. These persons have learned well the skill of memorizing.
You, too, have to commit important rules to memory. However, your memory is called on more often to fix the important ideas of a lesson so as to express them in your words whether you must remember some passage by heart, or study it for the important ideas it contains, you would do well to observe this few rules to improve your ability to memorize.
1. Read the material carefully. Understand its meaning before you memorize it. Underline important ideas or facts.
2. Study the whole paragraph or lesson, not individual parts. Form a question for each paragraph and see how you would answer it.
3. Recite aloud the paragraph, the rule, the stanza as you go. Tie it in with what went before.
4. When you are memorizing something, especially a word for word subject, such as poem, study no longer than 15 minutes at a time. Several 15 minute period over a few days, or even during one day, is better than studying a lesson at one time.
5. An excellent way of remembering is to write the important ideas on cards. Feel in essential details. Then memorize the order in the cards, the principal statements, and be able to develop each statement in your own words.


Wooden Cutting Board Safer than Plastic Piece

For many years, the Department of Agriculture has been warning people who prepare food that they should not cut food on a wooden surface. The best thing to use, the Agriculture official said, was a piece of plastic. However, new research says is safer than plastic. Scientists were surprised to discover the almost 100% of the bacteria died almost immediately. The publication Organic Gardening reports that when the researchers put the same kind of bacteria on a plastic cutting board, none of them died. The report says the bacteria could not be removed from the plastic even with soap and hot water.


You're Blushing

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

When we blush we get red in the face, particularly in the cheeks and neck. This is because a sudden emotion, such as embarrassment, a sense of shame or pleasure, causes the very small blood vessels just below the surface of the skin to become larger. When these blood vessels are full of blood, the skin looks red.
Blushing is most noticeable on fair-haired, pale skinned people. Young people also blush more obviously than older ones. possibly because older people are embarrassed less often and learn to cope and learn to cope with sudden emotion.


Laugh, Teacher, Laugh!

Laughter exercises the heart, improves circulation, and gets rid of excess air in the lungs.

Education is too important to take seriously. When people take anything too seriously, they put on blinders which cause them to miss the important aspects of what is going on around them. They develop "tunnel vision", which limits and distorts their perception of reality. Education is too important to be limited by those who have chosen to wear blinders and to develop tunnel vision.

Here are some ways to bring laughter into the classroom:

1. Share humurous events from your own experience.

2. Learn to appreciate class clowns. They are your greatest ally when it comes to laughter and can brighten even the grayest of days.

3. Obtain humurous books from your library and read them to your class.

4. Talk about funny shows or movies you have enjoyed.

5. Have your students find humurous stories and pictures in newspapers and magazines.

6. Have students write and act out a funny class story or play.

7. Laugh at your own mistakes instead od making an excuse or covering up.

8. Wear a funny hat, clown's nose, two different kinds of shoes, or colored socks to school, anything to break the routine.

9. Finally, commit yourself to developing a humurous outlook on life. Take yourself, life and school less seriously. Laugh at the stressors of the days. Your laughter will help eliminate the dreaded tunnel vision and may even help you say, "School is too important to take seriously."


The Early Philippine Runners

In the early days of track and field competition some of the American teachers who had been assigned to the Philippine Public Schools were former college athletes and those who were proficient in their specialized eventes competed in the open championships. These, and others who were enthusiastic followers of sport, trained and developed many of the Filipino track and field athletes. L.D. Hinman, former University of Illinois miler and coach of the Cebu High School, competed in the mile run in the 1911 open championships; C.E. Lucas, principal of Malolos High School of Bulacan, and Walker, a teacher of the Bureau of Education, in the 120-yard high hurdles in 1911 and 1918 respectively. Copeland, also of the Bureau of Education, in the running broad jump in 1917; and I. Cohen, coah of the Manila High School, in the penthlon in 1914. Water Buckish, principal of Bacolod High School and later Director of Private School, George Summers, Assistant Director of Education, and L.D. Hinman, were responsible for having developed many of the outstanding Filipino track athletes in the early days.


Uneducated Scientist

During the last 400 years, most inventions and discoveries have been made by scientist using mathematics or applying scientific laws. However, one great British scientist, Michael Faraday (1791 - 1867) did not make use of mathematics. Faraday was the son of a poor blacksmith and received no education beyond reading and writing. Fortunately, Faraday was very inquisitive and taught himself all about science. He was also imaginative. His inquisitiveness led him to investigate electric current which was new to science in the early 1800s. Although unable to express his work in mathematical terms, Faraday used his imagination to picture how electricity works. He visualized that a wire carrying an electric current is surrounded by lines of magnetic forve produced by the flow of the current. He used this idea to find out how electricity and magnetism are linked. This lead him to build the first working model of an electric generator. He then went on to show how electricity affects chemical substances. These discoveries enables us to generate and use electric currents, and are among the most important ever made. Yet they were made bya man who today would bot be able to pass science examinations.


The World's Most Dangerous Animal

Monday, November 3, 2008

Think of all the dangerous creatures you know, like sharks, snakes, tigers or even poisonous wasps. None of them, however, rank as "public enemy number one!"

According to Hamlyn's Giant Book of Facts the most dangerous creature world-wide is the common housefly. Through its habit of visiting animal waste and then transferring germs on to the food we eat, the housefly can transmit more disease than any other animal and is responsible for laying low more humans than all other so-called dangerous animals put together.


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